Thursday, October 10, 2019

Too many plants for the space

This morning my trays of TPS started germinating. I was starting to get a bit worried and was thinking that I would have to resow them. I suppose that they are a bit tardy because the nights are still a bit chilly.
Although I won't have room for all the seedlings I still get excited when I think about what I might end up with at the end of the season. I will post a pic of the new seedlings in the trays on Monday.

Last post I mentioned how I just can't keep everything but it is just so hard to throw plants away.
I had a heap of left tubers from plants that I was humming and hahing about whether they were good enough to keep so I temporarily stored the tubers in grow bags till I made up my mind.

I bought these bags back and didn't have the heart to throw them out.

They are now sprouting in the bags and are very crowded as I put all the tubers from each plant in a bag, where I would normally only plant a single tuber in each bag.
I hate growing in grow bags as they dry out so easily and never produce well for me.

The problem now is that I will not know whether they are good enough to keep when they are harvested because they are so crowded that I will only get mini tubers which I cannot evaluate.

Well.. after these pics were taken I tipped up the bags with potting soil and will see. I can't dig around and take out all the plants except one as it is too late now and would just hasten maturation and not produce good tubers anyway.

Here are a couple of pics of my quarter acre yard that I am growing in until I can get a bigger bit of land.
I have planted last seasons tubers on about half of the block and will fill up the rest with the new seedlings when they are big enough.

It will be pretty crowded later when the plants are growing strongly.

 One good thing is that although the soil is still very sandy, it is a better than the soil on the farm.

What else is happening?

After trying a few small business ideas and failing miserably to get even the slightest interest I have decided to start growing plants in pots and selling at local markets. It is something I know I can do and money is fast running out. I have to make a living.

I have some room in my back yard and I like growing plants and selling at markets, but I was hoping to be able to find a small business idea that isn't so physically demanding as I am well aware that I am not as strong as I was years ago.

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